Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hello World!

Hey...okay, so this is my first blog. I just got sort of an invite from a friend to view her blog, which reminded me that I, too, started a blog. Not only did I forget that I started one, but I also forgot the name of it, where to find it...and just about everything else about it. There wasn't even anything in my emails about it. I couldn't even leave a comment on my friend's blog, because I forgot my User ID. THEN, miraculously, I noticed the little "B" icon in the corner -- and it all came back to me!

This is just one example of the problem I've been having lately -- my memory is shot! Note to my younger friends: I don't think it's my age, I really don't. Because I know plenty of people my age or older who do not seem to have suffered from this problem as much as I have. Because I'm pretty sure it's not just a phase or an "age" thing, I just want to warn my young friends that I believe STRESS is the culprit. Since I had my heart attack at age 40, apparently brought on by "stress" (and heavy smoking), I try to tell everyone to TAKE IT EASY and learn to say "NO." This means all of you with school-aged children, with PTA's at those schools and groups and teams and clubs. Don't overdo it! You really don't have to join everything and volunteer every minute of your life in order to be a good parent! If you don't take it easy, you might end up like me. And Lord knows, you don't want that to happen.

Anyway, it occurs to me now that I may limit my blogging (that's a verb, right?) to daytime and late night, since my family is creeping around the house at this early hour (10:30 pm) and I don't want them making fun of me for having a blog. I've heard enough about being on Facebook and having a MySpace and a Xanga.

This blog, I think, is just going to be me, mostly bitching about things, anything in general, but mostly just what's burning my butt at the moment; but I think, since Debbie has a blog now (woohoo), I might make this my "shoulder to cry on." At least, if she (and whoever else) reads this, it'll be like pouring my heart to a friend. I'm so bad on the phone, and I don't want to sit in somebody's kitchen crying my eyes out (or getting sad-drunk) So it'll be like a public diary.

And I'm going to sign off now, for awhile, since the aforementioned family is still creeping...around.


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